【TOP 10】曼谷席隆-沙通最熱門與高評價住宿推薦
類型 | 住宿 | 地點 | 年份 |
星級酒店 | 曼谷蘇拉旺萬豪酒店 | 席隆 | 2018 |
星級酒店 | 曼谷瑪哈納功標準酒店 | 席隆 | 2022 |
星級酒店 | 曼谷都喜天麗酒店 | 席隆 | 2024 |
星級酒店 | 曼谷素里翁格蘭德中心點酒店 | 席隆 | 2023 |
度假酒店 | U Sathorn Bangkok | 沙通 | 2014 |
中階酒店 | 曼谷蘇拉旺美居酒店 | 席隆 | 2024 |
中階酒店 | 曼谷盛陽都喜D2酒店 | 席隆 | 2023 |
服務公寓 | 曼谷沙通雅詩閣大使酒店 | 席隆 | 2022 |
商務旅館 | 西鐵飯店CROOM 曼谷席隆 | 席隆 | 2024 |
奢華青旅 | 曼谷沙吞ASAI酒店 | 席隆 | 2023 |
曼谷席隆路(Silom)與沙通路(Sathon)兩條平行道路,位於挽叻縣(Bang Rak)與沙吞縣(Sathon)兩縣相鄰區域,從倫披尼公園一路延伸至昭披耶河畔,聚集眾多金融機構與企業總部,擁有泰國華爾街的稱號,席隆路也是著名成人娛樂場所的帕蓬街(Patpong)與塔妮亞街(Thaniya)所在,MRT地鐵藍線(BlueLine)從北邊穿過,BTS空鐵席隆線(Silom Line)也在兩條道路中穿梭。
席隆路與沙通路圍成區域兩側聚集著眾多五星級酒店,中心位置就是曼谷最高建築的大京都大廈(King Power Mahanakhon),2020年最新開幕的曼谷標準酒店(The Standard Bangkok Mahanakhon)就位於此棟大廈。
曼谷都喜天麗酒店・Dusit Thani Bangkok・โรงแรมดุสิตธานี กรุงเทพ
- 2024年9月27日盛大開幕,前身為1970年開業的同名酒店,泰國都喜國際集團創業第1間酒店,經拆除與重建後開幕
- 全館共有257間客房,相較前身517間減少一半,客房空間從50平方米起跳,提供更大空間與視野的住宿氛圍
- 酒店建築頂樓保留標誌性的金色尖頂,館內開設10間餐廳、高空酒吧與水療中心,配置寬廣活動與宴會空間
- 座落在倫披尼公園與席隆捷運站旁,全館處處擁有遼闊綠意景觀,旁邊設置串連公園綠地的屋頂花園與購物商場
曼谷素里翁格蘭德中心點酒店.Grande Centre Point Surawong Bangkok
- 2023年11月25日盛大開幕,LH Mall & Hotel旗下旗艦品牌,30層高全新建築,融合殖民地風格與泰國意象設計
- 提供399間客房,採用簡約優雅設計風格,每間皆有大片落地窗高空景觀,另有可供家庭與團體入住的連通房型
- 主打全服務星級酒店,館內開設多間餐廳,設置高空泳池、健身房、三溫暖與遊戲室,附設Let’s Relax水療中心
- 位於席隆區的蘇拉旺路,同條路上有知名的曼谷蘇拉旺萬豪酒店,惟周遭無便利捷運站,出入得以計程車代步
曼谷瑪哈納功標準酒店.The Standard Bangkok Mahanakhon
- 2022年5月11日盛大開幕,位於曼谷最高大樓的王權大京都大廈,繼馬爾地夫、華欣後亞洲第3間標準酒店據點
- 提供155間雙人客房、雙人套房、陽台套房與閣樓公寓等多種房型,採用美式復古圓角風格的的摩登都會設計
- 館內開設美式牛排、墨西哥菜與中式餐廳,設置游泳池、健身房等設施,房客可免費前往夜景超美的頂樓酒吧
- 位於曼谷空鐵席隆線的鐘那席站出口旁,出口設置箱型電梯,旁邊開設Mahanakhon CUBE商場,購物很方便
曼谷沙通雅詩閣大使酒店・Ascott Embassy Sathorn Bangkok
- 2022年8月15日盛大開幕,雅詩閣集團旗下高階公寓品牌,繼沙通雅詩閣、通羅雅詩閣後曼谷第3間品牌據點
- 共有393間客房與公寓,行政客房與服務公寓皆有配置齊全的廚房家電與洗衣機,採用典雅大方的家居風格
- 館內開設餐廳、行政酒廊,設置無邊際泳池、健身房與兒童遊戲室等設施,另有三溫暖、蒸氣室、瑜珈室等
- 地點位於曼谷沙通區,2-7樓設置室內停車場,距離鐘那席空鐵站約800公尺,出入酒店建議以計程車為最佳
曼谷蘇拉旺美居酒店.Mercure Bangkok Surawong
- 2024年3月開幕,法國雅高酒店集團旗下中階品牌,設計靈感源自湄南河傳統貿易區的倉庫、營造等元素
- 共有219間客房,客房空間介於21-25平方米,空間並不算大,特別提供配置特大床加雙層床的家庭房型
- 館內開設餐廳、酒吧、健身房等設施,Yu Her Bao中餐廳特別提供結合粵菜、川菜與泰國風味的料理
- 座落在曼谷席隆區,附近就是地標級的曼谷蘇拉旺萬豪酒店,鄰近曼谷帕蓬夜市與王權瑪哈納功大廈
曼谷盛陽都喜D2酒店.dusitD2 Samyan Bangkok
- 2023年5月12日開幕,泰國都喜國際集團旗下年輕活力的中階星級酒店,繼清邁、考艾、華欣後第4間品牌據點
- 共有179間客房與套房,採用現代典雅的設計風格,窗邊皆有設置舒適的貴妃椅,配置乾濕分離的衛浴空間
- 主打年輕活力的中價位星級酒店服務,館內開設全日餐廳、輕食吧,設置眺望城市景觀的高空泳池與頂樓酒吧
- 位於曼谷席隆區,酒店對面微型夜市、7-11便利超商,惟距離MRT與BTS有段距離,出入建議以計程車代步
西鐵飯店CROOM 曼谷席隆.Nishitetsu Hotel Croom Bangkok Silom
- 2024年9月9日開幕,日本西鐵集團旗下CROOM品牌第1間海外據點,也是繼曼谷索拉利亞西鐵酒店後第2間飯店
- 提供154間客房與18間套房,配置日式風格衛浴與免治馬桶,套房配備小廚房與洗衣乾衣機,符合長期居住需求
- 館內設置洗衣房、會議室等設施,地下1樓開設供應日式、西式與泰式自助早餐的餐廳,白天也是共用工作空間
- 座落在BTS席隆線的沙拉當站出口旁,旁邊就是帕蓬夜市,隔壁就是麥當勞,周遭有多間購物商場與唐吉訶德商店
沙吞11號貝斯特韋斯特克里克酒店.Best Western Click Sathorn 11 Bangkok
曼谷沙吞ASAI酒店.ASAI Bangkok Sathorn
曼谷蘇拉旺萬豪酒店.Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse
U Sathorn Bangkok.曼谷U沙通酒店
U Sathorn飯店於2014年盛大開幕,建築採用法式殖民地風格,整間飯店就像一棟三合院,中庭設置大型游泳池與大片綠地,彷彿曼谷市區內的世外桃源,全館共有86間房,提供住滿24小時的住宿服務,住在曼谷市區也能享受市區觀光與悠閒度假的雙重體驗。
曼谷沙吞易思廷大酒店.Eastin Grand Hotel Sathorn
- 訂房:agoda優惠房價|booking.com
- 星等:5星
- 房間總數:390
- 裝修年份:2013
曼谷素可泰酒店.The Sukhothai Bangkok
- 訂房:agoda優惠房價|booking.com
- 星等:5星
- 房間總數:210
- 開業年份:1991
COMO曼谷大都會酒店.COMO Metropolitan Bangkok
- 訂房:agoda優惠房價|booking.com
- 星等:5星
- 房間總數:169
- 裝修年份:2016
lebua at State Tower.蓮花大酒店
- 訂房:agoda優惠房價|booking.com
- 星等:5星
- 房間總數:357
- 開業年份:2006
- 訂房:agoda優惠房價|booking.com
- 星等:5星
- 房間總數:238
- 開業年份:2011
原曼谷索菲特特色酒店(Sofitel So Bangkok Hotel)結束索菲特品牌合作,更名為SO/ BANGKOK。
曼谷W酒店.W Bangkok
- 訂房:agoda優惠房價|booking.com
- 星等:5星
- 房間總數:403
- 開業年份:2012
曼谷艾美酒店.Le Méridien Bangkok
- 訂房:agoda優惠房價|booking.com
- 星等:5星
- 房間總數:282
- 開業年份:2008
曼谷崙披尼公園皇冠假日酒店.Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini Park
- 訂房:agoda優惠房價|booking.com
- 星等:5星
- 房間總數:243
- 裝修年份:2014
旅宿名稱 | 星等 | 房間數 | 開幕年份 | 裝修年份 | 評價分數 | 英文譯名 | 住宿地址 | 房價查詢 | |||||
曼谷蘇拉翁塞萬豪酒店 | 5 | 303 | 2018 | 2018 | 9.2 | Hotel | Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse (SHA Extra Plus) | 262 Surawong Road, Si Phraya | 3014254 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/5077412/0/3c9b50c1bf6d99b22d4fae3f7dc84f9f.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/3014254/-1/aa0a04721a97768346110d48855c3794.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/3014254/-1/ae823e0ab8e929f77b1e371ee8c2c5d3.jpg |
曼谷沙吞易思廷大酒店 | 5 | 390 | 2011 | 2013 | 9.1 | Hotel | Eastin Grand Hotel Sathorn (SHA Plus+) | 33/1 South Sathorn Road, Yannawa | 286835 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/286835/-1/d2d51fda552af515664c5818cfbf6172.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/286835/-1/88aaa43f20a9383ef9cca64b7d35dfd6.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/286/286835/286835_16020811560039712105.jpg |
曼谷蘇拉翁因姆蒙田酒店 | 5 | 343 | 1967 | 2020 | 9.1 | Hotel | Montien Hotel Surawong Bangkok (SHA Plus+) | 54 Surawong Road | 10712 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/10712/-1/96b3a645d0c857e8321db20434438476.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/10712/-1/ab8a95f6d8a3790eda53866bb22a6122.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/10712/-1/61012e71b6c12a864adfe620042bcf02.jpg |
曼谷W酒店 | 5 | 403 | 2012 | 2012 | 9 | Hotel | W Bangkok (SHA Plus+) | 106 North Sathorn Road | 407156 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/6548647/0/b6eab6901c0ac578d62ff7871a1778e7.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/407156/-1/859300fcf3c1e5b53c7a9f0fbf3fee66.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/407/407156/407156_16063008220044270920.jpg |
曼谷素可泰酒店 | 5 | 210 | 1991 | 8.9 | Hotel | The Sukhothai Bangkok (SHA Plus+) | 13/3 South Sathorn Road | 10717 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/10717/-1/6cd2f4831899c285656e82b93241528e.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/107/10717/10717_18112311040069875701.png?s=312x?ca=7&ce=1 | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/10717/-1/48b55958e9b768b7f864b64d515f37ab.jpg | |
蓮花大酒店 塔樓俱樂部 | 5 | 221 | 2009 | 8.8 | Hotel | Tower Club at Lebua Hotel (SHA Extra Plus) | 1055/42 Silom Rd. Bangrak | 186593 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/186593/-1/cc46263a9bf58219ffe76d0eeef45667.png?s=312x?ca=24&ce=0 | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/186/186593/186593_14031817290018750631.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/186/186593/186593_15061916480030063602.jpg | |
曼谷索菲特特色酒店 | 5 | 238 | 2011 | 8.8 | Hotel | SO/ BANGKOK (SHA Plus+) | 2 North Sathorn Road | 287357 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/287/287357/287357_17111004500059063149.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/287/287357/287357_120524160907318.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/287/287357/287357_17082905280055786200.jpg | |
曼谷沙通U酒店 | 5 | 86 | 2014 | 2014 | 8.8 | Hotel | U Sathorn Bangkok (SHA Extra Plus) | 105,105/1 Soi Ngam Duphli,Thung Maha Mek,Sathorn | 689790 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/689/689790/689790_17060117200053400747.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/689/689790/689790_17052916290053301622.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/689/689790/689790_15103014330037309364.jpg |
COMO曼谷大都會酒店 | 5 | 169 | 2003 | 2016 | 8.8 | Hotel | COMO Metropolitan Bangkok (SHA Plus+) | 27 South Sathorn Road, Tungmahamek | 70257 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/5079213/0/bc591645316e4b7fb93beb1257edb271.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/702/70257/70257_19031515230073025487.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/702/70257/70257_16061419440043561679.jpg |
曼谷艾美酒店 | 5 | 282 | 2008 | 8.8 | Hotel | Le Meridien Bangkok (SHA Extra Plus) | 40/5 Surawong Road, Bangrak | 194957 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/5061782/0/b54bea7bade98aa5513e8861fc70d43d.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/194/194957/194957_15061713440029764898.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/194/194957/194957_17102609570058343622.jpg | |
曼谷崙披尼公園皇冠假日酒店 | 5 | 243 | 1993 | 2019 | 8.7 | Hotel | Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini Park (SHA Plus+) | 952 Rama 4 | 10714 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/10714/-1/2782db13f3701d6dd77973482cd5880c.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/107/10714/10714_14012614470018156122.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/107/10714/10714_14011615540018086229.jpg |
曼谷悅榕莊酒店 | 5 | 325 | 1996 | 2009 | 8.6 | Hotel | Banyan Tree Bangkok (SHA Plus+) | 21/100 South Sathon Road | 10707 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/10707/-1/bd2505d10d13346cc8861f6b597412c7.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/107/10707/10707_15022513320025583119.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/107/10707/10707_15101218420036799462.jpg |
隆披尼艾塔斯酒店 | 5 | 203 | 2011 | 8.6 | Hotel | AETAS Lumpini | 1030/4 Rama IV Road, Thungmahamek | 267184 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/267/267184/267184_16060109340042969805.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/267/267184/267184_110803145515119.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/267/267184/267184_110803121439960.jpg | |
曼谷撒通維斯塔萬豪行政公寓 | 5 | 186 | 2009 | 8.6 | Serviced apartment, Serviced apartment | Sathorn Vista, Bangkok - Marriott Executive Apartments (SHA Extra Plus) | 1 Sathorn Soi 3 South Sathorn Road | 161588 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/5499847/0/74a0ce0ba693a57dbae38657056e35c6.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/161588/-1/23c64dc736c78e569606203ca6142c06.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/161/161588/161588_17010515420050148241.jpg | |
曼谷鉑爾曼G酒店 | 5 | 469 | 1992 | 2012 | 8.4 | Hotel | Pullman Bangkok Hotel G | 188 Silom Road, Bangrak | 10673 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/10673/0/d047670a65824749301de303b4e8026f.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/106/10673/10673_14081115580020996235.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/106/10673/10673_17020212350050724181.jpg |
曼谷沙通雅詩閣酒店 | 5 | 177 | 2004 | 8.4 | Serviced apartment, Serviced apartment | Ascott Sathorn Bangkok (SHA Extra Plus) | No 7 South Sathorn Road, Yannawa | 74353 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/74353/-1/6ef5c8030647143aeee2e00ec5890825.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/743/74353/74353_14060416250019701085.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/743/74353/74353_15061915450030049669.jpg | |
曼谷沙通安納塔拉酒店 | 5 | 310 | 2009 | 8.3 | Hotel | JC KEVIN SATHORN BANGKOK HOTEL (SHA Plus+) | 36 Narathiwas-Ratchanakarin Road, Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok | 179078 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/179/179078/179078_14042112050019139501.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/179/179078/179078_14032011360018781474.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/179/179078/179078_14032011310018781283.jpg | |
曼谷長榮桂冠酒店 | 5 | 160 | 1993 | 2012 | 8.2 | Hotel | Evergreen Laurel Hotel (SHA Extra Plus) | 88 North Sathorn Road (soi Pipat) | 10651 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/10651/-1/72d3251f9e63549cc371668cd3601109.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/106/10651/10651_14071011290020216326.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/106/10651/10651_15060218450028274180.jpg |
優本納沙通酒店 | 5 | 0 | Hotel | Urbana Sathorn Bangkok, Thailand | 55 South Sathorn Road Tungmahamek | 30151063 | agoda | ||||||
曼谷阿馬拉酒店 | 4.5 | 250 | 2015 | 8.6 | Hotel | Amara Bangkok Hotel (SHA Plus+) | 180/1 Surawong Road , Sipraya | 883578 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/5442405/0/67028a089d434c32137cde315dd123f1.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/883/883578/883578_15061618090029703668.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/883/883578/883578_16062111280043878058.jpg | |
曼谷德特爾酒店 | 4.5 | 101 | 8.4 | Hotel | Le D'Tel Bangkok | 269/1 Suanplu Soi 6, Tungmahamek, | 4508526 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/4508526/-1/b872f909c51dc9f2f2c98c8f1d4d6df4.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/450/4508526/4508526_18022209580062276440.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/450/4508526/4508526_18022118380062248726.jpg | ||
曼谷沙吞察殿酒店式公寓 | 4.5 | 112 | 1998 | 8.3 | Hotel | Chatrium Residence Sathon Bangkok (SHA Plus+) | 291 Soi Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra 24, Yannawa, Sathorn Bangkok 10120, Thailand | 64163 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/64163/-1/1d5cbc907f447a62217e2e25fa7ffc32.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/641/64163/64163_14072511480020480856.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/641/64163/64163_15070214000031558594.jpg | |
曼谷優本納沙通酒店 | 4.5 | 156 | 2007 | 7.8 | Hotel | Urbana Sathorn Bangkok (SHA Plus+) | 55 South Sathorn Road, Tungmahamek | 84626 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/846/84626/84626_16111516400048738285.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/846/84626/84626_16111511110048723443.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/846/84626/84626_16111516400048738278.jpg | |
曼谷阿馬拉酒店 | 4.5 | 0 | Hotel | Amara Bangkok | 180/1 Surawong Road, Sipraya | 30152904 | agoda | ||||||
莎拉當棉花酒店 | 4 | 56 | 9.5 | Hotel | The Cotton Saladaeng Hotel (SHA Plus+) | North Sathon Road | 13531128 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/13531128/-1/40387df422a691529bf57b6437effca0.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/13531128/-1/e4139c142af52faf56cb6f19509c9dd9.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/13531128/-1/dc8685907db7c29eb52be9a225ba177c.jpg | ||
沙吞阿曼達公寓式酒店 | 4 | 66 | 2019 | 9.4 | Hotel | Amanta Hotel & Residence Sathorn (SHA Plus+) | Rama IV Road, Tungmahamek, Sathorn, | 9775756 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/9775756/-1/c52d79e1f02eee33b7f95a4181bb9e75.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/977/9775756/9775756_19112109440084262561.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/977/9775756/9775756_19112213480084329911.jpg | |
UHG席隆四分之一酒店 | 4 | 141 | 2021 | 2021 | 9.3 | Hotel | The Quarter Silom by UHG (SHA Plus+) | 12 Suriyawong Soi Silom 6 (Soi Tarntawan), Suriyawong Subdistrict, Bang Rak, Bangkok | 16513278 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/16513278/-1/f9fd6c1540634ce36e5bb314350611e6.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/16513278/227107418/a9221d78ddfc02620a4a6e5bd6f6c12b.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/16513278/-1/ba26d054b91f1d377fc84f451f2e02a2.jpg |
詩麗沙吞酒店 | 4 | 111 | 1999 | 2020 | 8.8 | Hotel | Siri Sathorn Bangkok by UHG (SHA Plus+) | 27 Soi Saladaeng 1, Silom Rd., Bangrak | 52118 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/52118/-1/1e1d6fd4df872e4a0fefac71983d0999.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/52118/-1/68101c81730ae475c5996179ebf8cc2b.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/521/52118/52118_15062511090030763543.jpg |
是隆叁貳酒店 | 4 | 75 | 2001 | 8.6 | Hotel | Triple Two Silom Boutique Hotel | 222 Silom Road | 12120 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/12120/-1/b65a5834c9bcbe0851e550699e55d8ce.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/12120/-1/597f08394906ed7c268ff54e5f0e42ec.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/12120/-1/5aad37f0c1c56ae5885ca3e8077a2774.jpg | |
森薩提恩公寓式酒店 | 4 | 8.6 | Hotel | Zensation The Residence | 211 Soi.Sathorn 11, Sathorn Roa, Sathorn Yannawa | 2818543 | agoda | https://q-xx.bstatic.com/xdata/images/hotel/max500/112731505.jpg?k=f5f0e5d27c6febcb1fadae954c102a6a935f06e6538923c74affaea4e2f4ecc2&o= | |||||
曼谷文華中心點大酒店 | 4 | 374 | 1965 | 2013 | 8.5 | Hotel | Mandarin Hotel Managed by Centre Point (SHA Plus+) | 662 RamaIV Road | 488932 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/488932/-1/95b0f11c3aa7e6090c4fb5ddeb695903.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/488/488932/488932_17092511490056781851.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/488/488932/488932_15081011350033956393.jpg |
摩德沙吞酒店 | 4 | 201 | 2011 | 8.4 | Hotel | Mode Sathorn Hotel | 144 North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak | 294542 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/294/294542/294542_17041202480052328134.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/294/294542/294542_16102117070048018956.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/294/294542/294542_16102114150048007455.jpg | |
曼谷艾薩奴克酒店 | 4 | 80 | 2013 | 8.4 | Hotel | iSanook Bangkok (SHA Extra Plus) | 118 Soi Songphra, Siphraya Road, Kwang Maha Pruttaram, Khet Bangrak | 519394 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/519394/-1/4809fe8983b23a546ea97a62842cc7ba.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/519/519394/519394_14031415090018701987.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/519/519394/519394_13082814140014706426.jpg | |
是隆不容錯過酒店 | 4 | 72 | 2017 | 8.3 | Hotel | Haven't Met Silom | 188-188/1 Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra | 2411361 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/2411361/-1/451e7a086069c10e9485ac9e65f811f7.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/2411361/-1/8f26c8a66f289b84d57c2ffe9bc8e708.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/2411361/-1/c797ee499210b725cc7abaf9c5b21fee.jpg | |
暹羅酒店 | 4 | 50 | 1990 | 2019 | 8.2 | Hotel | Le Siam Hotel (SHA Extra Plus) | 3 Convent Road, Silom | 10704 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/10704/-1/4ed393479f6209d53c2d28df085c3b84.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/10704/-1/7634645e2d0c2c9a44508699fa375fc4.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/107/10704/10704_14021011190018291341.jpg |
曼谷席隆假日飯店 | 4 | 684 | 2015 | 8.2 | Hotel | Holiday Inn Bangkok Silom (SHA Plus+) | 981 Silom Road | 10647 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/10647/-1/67d776e1e21a39226160385c8aa6d757.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/106/10647/10647_18111317560069675816.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/5082956/0/07c1a991dc1545d7cc07e88e5fbdb8d8.jpg | |
暹羅傳統酒店 | 4 | 73 | 2005 | 8.1 | Hotel | The Siam Heritage Hotel (SHA Plus+) | 115/1 Surawong Road, Bangrak | 48427 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/48427/-1/00e249ee04a793e600111082b41b4935.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/484/48427/48427_120716175025691.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/484/48427/48427_120716175859416.jpg | |
曼谷盛捷蘇安普盧公園服務公寓 | 4 | 235 | 2005 | 8.1 | Serviced apartment, Serviced apartment | Somerset Park Suanplu Bangkok (SHA Plus+) | 39 Soi Suanplu, South Sathorn Road | 74361 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/74361/-1/e9a1cf8f753ad57cd80a8228642df3b8.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/743/74361/74361_16050616480042116248.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/743/74361/74361_13121309510017894181.jpg | |
席隆翠妮提酒店 | 4 | 104 | 8 | Hotel | Trinity Silom Hotel (SHA Plus+) | 150 Soi Phiphat 2 (Silom Soi.3 or Naratiwas Soi.3), Silom Rd., Bangrak | 47625 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/476/47625/47625_17071321220054445257.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/476/47625/47625_16062416130044069067.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/476/47625/47625_120522151308774.jpg | ||
席隆班達拉套房飯店 | 4 | 190 | 2005 | 2007 | 8 | Hotel | Bandara Suites Silom (SHA Extra Plus) | 75/1 Saladaeng Road, Bangrak | 49036 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/49036/-1/e772a6542de3bc7db26fc1c77873d81c.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/490/49036/49036_16101709430047802722.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/490/49036/49036_16101014280047580228.jpg |
曼谷富麗華沙吞飯店 | 4 | 139 | 2006 | 2008 | 8 | Hotel | FuramaXclusive Sathorn Hotel Bangkok (SHA Extra Plus) | 59 Silom Soi 3 (Piphat 2), Silom Road | 71884 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/7522175/0/7786fe2fbc5bd2075af96ed087744cd2.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/71884/-1/f9f990fdb505fa3dfc7da908743e4bf4.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/71884/-1/b6aff803a42358637bee7ead72115c7e.jpg |
沙吞愛切克公寓飯店 | 4 | 52 | 2013 | 2013 | 8 | Hotel | iCheck inn Residence Sathorn | 413/1 Soi.Narathiwat 24,Wat Pho Man, Sathupradit Road, Chong nonsi, Yannawa | 544607 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/544607/-1/42c0b98b461b30adcfb0fc5e756f2500.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/544/544607/544607_13112210530017724262.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/544/544607/544607_13102512150017103610.jpg |
是隆寧靜酒店 | 4 | 86 | 1998 | 2016 | 8 | Hotel | Silom Serene Hotel (SHA Plus+) | 7 Soi Pipat (Silom Soi 3), Silom Road, Bangrak | 44848 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/44848/-1/68df05537ec6481930b7dee414e5eb09.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/448/44848/44848_17051513150052989865.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/448/44848/44848_15072914520033267507.jpg |
曼谷蘇拉翁坦塔灣飯店 | 4 | 70 | 1990 | 2010 | 8 | Hotel | The Tarntawan Hotel Surawong Bangkok | 119/5-10 Surawong Road | 196615 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/6771009/0/26fb117139266eb2b4fde6f056d2f017.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/196615/-1/c316c91104d391c55d3423c43f19857c.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/196/196615/196615_16112816470049168591.jpg |
沙拉當埃塔斯At Ease酒店 | 4 | 69 | 2004 | 2012 | 8 | Serviced apartment, Serviced apartment | At Ease Saladaeng by Aetas (SHA Plus+) | 5 Soi Saladaeng 1, Silom Road, Bangrak | 64161 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/641/64161/64161_14031116320018644545.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/641/64161/64161_14031115270018642066.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/641/64161/64161_14031116320018644516.jpg |
曼谷薩拜沙通酒店式公寓 | 4 | 50 | 2011 | 8 | Serviced apartment, Serviced apartment | Sabai Sathorn Serviced Apartment | 57 Soi Silom 9 or Sathorn 10, Bangrak | 288703 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/288/288703/288703_16072200410044850851.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/288/288703/288703_120502111201064.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/288/288703/288703_16072111560044820685.jpg | |
曼谷黃絲帶山精品套房公寓 | 4 | 80 | 1993 | 8 | Hotel | Yellow Ribbon Hills Boutique Suites | 33/3 Soi Narathiwas 7 (Prapinij), South Sathorn Rd., Thungmahamek | 74364 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/74364/-1/f463a99bffa935bcfe82af1921759092.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/74364/-1/7fd5bd6236e6da2a27ccb16bec07d888.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/74364/-1/346618b77dbe217ed7eb53bbeafee9aa.jpg | |
曼谷西隆富麗華大酒店 | 4 | 258 | 7.9 | Hotel | Furama Silom Hotel Bangkok (SHA Plus+) | 533 Silom Road Bangrak | 10718 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/5443934/0/aeed7cce7e0682264d53a77ed5e735cf.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/10718/-1/0acc0f5192f797ea205a10039cb527e0.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/10718/-1/c413629190d20744b47a302d21fae8ff.jpg | ||
曼谷塔瓦納酒店 | 4 | 265 | 1970 | 2009 | 7.9 | Hotel | Tawana Bangkok Hotel | 80 Surawongse Road | 10706 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/10706/-1/19f33a8a19b5e5fcbcf6b211ee7755b1.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/107/10706/10706_14012111190018114267.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/107/10706/10706_15060211100028223014.jpg |
曼谷是隆路諾富特酒店 | 4 | 216 | 2010 | 7.9 | Hotel | Novotel Bangkok Silom Road | 320 Silom Road, Bangrak | 230582 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/5079323/0/5c3edf54a377f1f54748aac0b7c90bd2.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/230/230582/230582_16041813460041580681.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/230/230582/230582_15070617400031753412.jpg | |
那萊酒店 | 4 | 465 | 1966 | 7.8 | Hotel | Narai Hotel | 222 Si Lom, Khwaeng Suriya Wong, Khet Bang Rak, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon | 10676 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/10676/-1/b61fe5162d3856add3e8f9bff11708ae.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/10676/-1/d68baefa5a5a722b5dad259876ae0793.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/10676/-1/d68baefa5a5a722b5dad259876ae0793.jpg | |
曼谷沙吞路耐拉提瓦斯公寓酒店 | 4 | 430 | 2008 | 7.8 | Hotel | The Narathiwas Hotel & Residence Sathorn Bangkok (SHA Extra Plus) | 379 Narathiwas Rajanakarin Rd. Chongnonsi, Yannawa | 460625 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/460/460625/460625_16111713580048825827.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/460/460625/460625_13042912100012044370.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/460/460625/460625_16111712120048815276.jpg | |
席隆愛逸酒店 | 4 | 114 | 2021 | 7.7 | Hotel | I Residence Hotel Silom | 93 Narathivas Rachanakarin Road | 76422 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/76422/-1/f4a67995fdd848572d0824a1660c2700.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/764/76422/76422_16042616310041821385.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/764/76422/76422_15063016450031302172.jpg | |
曼谷霍華德大酒店 | 4 | 256 | 2012 | 7.5 | Hotel | Grand Howard Hotel (SHA Plus+) | 50 Charoen-Raj Rd.,Bangkhlo, Bangkolaem | 297838 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/297838/-1/a197ca156052093973195a15376b793e.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/297/297838/297838_1211281139008735089.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/297/297838/297838_13053114250012600763.jpg | |
席隆遺產飯店 | 4 | 109 | 2009 | 2013 | 7.4 | Hotel | The Heritage Silom Hotel | 198 Soi Narathivas 3 Narathivas Road, Silom Bangrak | 108597 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/108597/-1/f4e000ad0ecd0b058f0fb51226e8eb7e.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/108/108597/108597_16042515190041778246.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/108/108597/108597_15060912480029018747.jpg |
曼谷中心酒店 | 4 | 243 | 1981 | 2012 | 7.2 | Hotel | Bangkok Centre Hotel (SHA Plus+) | 328, Rama IV Road (Close to China Town) | 294 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/294/-1/c9dc429f88910e7adf8f07770675d231.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/294/294/294_16080214070045125453.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/294/294/294_14052118160019515513.jpg |
曼谷帝國廣場萬豪酒店 | 4 | 55 | 0 | Hotel | Marriott's Bangkok Empire Place | 88 Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra Road, Sathorn, Yannawa | 5059913 | agoda | |||||
帕薩大飯店 | 4 | 36 | 0 | Hotel | PASSA HOTEL | Sala Daeng 2 Alley | 28920254 | agoda | https://i1.wp.com/pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/289/28920254/28920254_220109230600110417260.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/28920254/466346536/1992d8d6ed05eeab989551026754eb26.jpg | https://i1.wp.com/pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/289/28920254/28920254_220109230600110417255.jpg | ||
文華酒店 | 4 | 0 | Hotel | Mandarin Hotel | 662 Rama IV Road, 10500 Bangkok | 29217265 | agoda | ||||||
曼谷姆蒙田酒店 | 4 | 0 | Hotel | Montien Hotel Bangkok | 54 Surawongse Road | 30152352 | agoda | ||||||
詩麗沙吞酒店 | 4 | 0 | Hotel | Siri Sathorn Hotel | 27 Soi Saladaeng 1 | 30152510 | agoda |